Student Support

The students in the online biochemistry course are supported in a variety of ways.

Communication with the course lecturers regarding academic inquiries

Instructors are available during their lecture component to address any questions students might have regarding the material.

Communication with the course director and course coordinator

The course director (Dr. Andreopoulos), experienced in the teaching of introductory biochemistry, will help students taking the online course. More specifically, the course director will handle the running of the course including all administrative issues, the online material and will continually monitor the discussion board and address any problems or concerns with the lectures. Dr. Andreopoulos will also arrange and coordinate virtual office hours to provide live chat feedback on the course material on a weekly basis.

For SCS-2472 inquiries please email:

Communication with your colleagues via the Discussion Board

Students are actively encouraged to answer questions posted by their fellow classmates enrolled in the course. Responses are again monitored and verified by the course coordinator.

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